The Transcend: Art and Peace Network (T:AP) is an online community of researchers, artists and activists who are passionate about the roles of music and the arts in the promotion of a culture of peace. The T:AP methodology is based on the Transcend method established by Johan Galtung, one of the founders of peace and conflict studies. By paying attention to cultural and structural violence, and not only to direct violence, and by highlighting ways to expose and reduce violence, our research network aims to enhance people’s capacity to transform conflict in humane and nonviolent ways. Another aspect of the power of music and the arts is that they can enhance human qualities such as creativity, nonviolence and empathy, when used for positive social change and the improvement of society. The T:AP Network was established by two friends in 2000 and has been growing steadily ever since.
Our mission is to tap into the human potential for peace by using creativity and the arts.
The inspiration
for our independent network came from the TRANSCEND method of nonviolent conflict transformation.
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T:AP is dedicated to collaborative research on the power of music and the arts for peacebuilding. We believe that the creative spirit within all human beings can transcend the forces of contradiction and conflict inherent in life. Music and the arts already play a major role in inspiring people towards the enhancement of more peace and justice in our societies.
See our full mission statement
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