
T:AP Network presents the new issue of The Chimurenga Chronic by Manifesta 12 bookshop

From Saturday 20 October 2018, the new issue of the Chimurenga Chronic was released and on sale at Manifesta 12 bookshop at Teatro Garibaldi di Palermo for 15 euro only.

On Sunday 21 October at 5.00 pm, Dutch filmmaker and Manifesta 12 Creative Mediator Bregtje van der Haak will officially presented The Chronic to the public. The event was mainly in English, with free entrance.

From 12 to 19 June, the editorial staff of Chimurenga set up a workspace at Teatro Garibaldi, to research and produce a special issue of The Chronic, on circulation and borderlessness, which was released on 20 October. Starting from the topics and questions developed in the context of Borderless, the first chapter of Manifesta 12 Palermo Public Programme, for this new issue the collective Chimurenga focuses on ideas of circulation that include notion of justice and collective freedoms. What is the African imagination of a borderless world? What are our ideas on territoriality, borders and movement?

The new issue of Chimurenga Chronic investigates circulations and the African imagination of a borderless world by charting the physical and intellectual movements making up the African archive. Texts by Achille Mbembe, Max Jorge Hinder Cruz, Édouard Glissant, Yambo Ouologuem, Taban Lo Liyong, Fred Moten and Saidiya Hartman explore and quest the Western conceptions of sovereignty, strategies of survival and of being together elaborated in specific groups of certain African countries like Congo and Zimbabwe, but also imaginations of bordelessness that go beyond the African borders themselves, such as the Afro-Asian movements of relocations from India to Cuba via Egypt of the 1970’s.

In this issue, the Italian collective of writers and activists Wu Ming presents a map of all those places in Palermo that still have the signs of both the Italian colonialist legacy and Italy’s defeat in Ethiopia. To all these places, Wu Ming 2 will lead an urban walk on Saturday 20 October as part of the work Viva Menilicchi! Commissioned by Manifesta 12 and realised in collaboration with the Palermo-based collective Fare Ala.

Additionally, The Chronic also includes a trilogy of short novels that a speculative trilogy examines the “walking corpse” of Leoluca Orlando, the sitting mayor of Palermo, fearless critic of Italy’s anti-immigration policies and architect of the borderless city of welcome to come.

This and other stories and
are available in the new issue of
the Chronic, On
Circulations And The African Imagination Of A
, which maps the African imagination of a borderless world:
non-universal universalisms, the right to opacity, refusing that which has been
refused to you, and “keeping it moving”.


To purchase in print or as a PDF head to our online shop, or get copies from your nearest dealer.